Shamanic daycure

Shamanic daycure

During this day we immerse ourselves in the magic of shamanism.

We work on what is going on in the group, what problem arises, where does someone get stuck, where a different view is needed,... and we use shamanic techniques (journeying, visualizations, the medicine wheel, etc.). ...) to bring clarity and healing.

For who?
For everybody who has basic skills sjamanisme or more and who wants to escape daily live and knows how healing shamanism can be
Cariers of a Mesa can bring it with them

Sat 22 feb 10u to 17u Ticket
Sat 10 mai 10u to 17u Ticket
Sat 06 july 10u to 17u Ticket

Contribution? 70 euro

What to bring?
Ratel, drum, notebook and pen