Sun Bear, The Medicine Wheel
The manufacture of a Medicine wheel was originally an Indian ritual to express the relationship between man, nature and Cosmos. The ritual took place to maintain or restore internal and external harmony, such as in the healing of an illness for example, asking for the life-giving rain in its absence or celebrating a good hunt.
Nowadays, many people feel physically or psychologically out of balance. There is often a disruption of the relationship between people and their environment. This is then reflected in a lack of meaning to life and missing inner peace.
The lessons of the medicinewheel can help us to break through negative and undermining programs that cause us to experience old trauma's, to continue or ancestor disease history, to get stuck in our lives, to break connections, in other words why we do what we do.
The medicinewheel is as a signpost that helps us to meet our challenge of transformation. Through the four directions of the wheel we learn how we can be more courageous and creative in life. Its reconnects us to nature so also to our own nature, our essence and how we deal with our energy sources in ourselves. It will help to set priorities, work-life balance, understanding our weakness and strenghts, overcoming obstacles and communicating our needs and recognizing those of others, and to dream again and achieve our goals.
During this training you will learn:
- to know the principles of the wheel
- to know the layers of the wheel (healing, creativity and spiriuality)
- to use the wheel as a tool to get insight into our behavior, patterns, believe and to opt for permanent change
- how you can move through the seasons and how you can introduce them in your coaching
All this based on exercises, visualisations and systemic ritual in the medicine wheel
We will start with an introductiondate to get to know the 4 principles and then we will go throught the 4 directions in 8 days, 2 days per direction.
East, South, West and North
The East:
The South:
The West:
The North:
Please arrive at 09u30 @ The Key Of Life, Nuchten 98, 9506 Idegem 0479 29 79 29. Einde is voorzien rond 17u
Coffee, tea, water and cookies
Soup during lunch
The necessary material
To bring
Clothes ajusted to the weather
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Formations I followed
Jaartraining Pratice for systemic Ritual, Daan Van Kampenhout
Jaartraining Medicinewheel, Daan Van Kampenhout
Advanced Shamanic Skills, Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds
Jaartraining Energy Medicine Training, Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds
Opleiding Peggy Dylan, firewalk instructor
Opleiding Roel Crabbe, sjamanisme
Jaartraining Interakt Centrum voor meergenerationele psychotraumatologie gebaseerd op de werkwijze van dr. Franz Ruppert
Jaartraining Familie en organisatie opstelling Indra Torsten Preiss
Jaartraining Lichaamsgericht coachen Arend Van Rietschoten
Jaartraining Ontwikkelingsgericht coachen Rudy Vandamme
Creatieve therapie en creatief Agogisch Coachen, VSPW Gent
Master Visualisatie coach Openmind